

搜索 導(dǎo)航
2024-09-07 10:56:59    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

(1) ...數(shù)據(jù)(結(jié)果)說明(證實(shí)、提示、揭示):... data / results demonstrate / confirm / suggest / indicate / reveal that...

(2) 實(shí)驗(yàn)(結(jié)果、發(fā)現(xiàn)、調(diào)查、事實(shí))提供的基礎(chǔ):... experiments / results / findings / investigation / facts / supply a basis for ...

(3) 觀察結(jié)果與理論(觀點(diǎn)、提議、假說、以前的研究)一致:The observation results are consistent / in accord / with the theory / idea / proposal / hypothesis / previous studies / that ...

(4) ...與...報(bào)道(描述,證明)的相似:...is similar to that reported / described / documented / by ...

(5) 結(jié)果與...相反(不同):results are contrasted with / different from...

(6) ...可能由...引起:...may have been caused by. . .

(7) ...可能導(dǎo)致...(是...的原閃):... may lead to / result in / account for...

(8) ...與...有關(guān)(由于...,歸因于...):... is related / due / attributed to ...

(9) 盡管(即使)...,...應(yīng)該是(不)可能的: Although / Even if ..., it should (not) be possible to. . .

(10) ...和...之間差異的一個(gè)解釋是...:One interpretation of this difference between...and ... is...

(11) 在這些前提下: On the basis of / based on these premises ...

(12) 我們認(rèn)為(相信、預(yù)測(cè)、提議、假設(shè)、建議):We think / believe / envision / propose / hypothesize / recommend that ...

(13) ...可以推測(cè)...:...can speculate on...

(14) 是否...有待確定:Whether ... remains / is yet to be determined.

(15) 有必要作進(jìn)一步的分析(實(shí)驗(yàn))以證實(shí):Further analysis / experiments will be necessary / needed to confirm...

(16) 我們的結(jié)論是:We conclude that...

(17) 總之(結(jié)果):in summary / in conclusion

(18) ...對(duì)...具有啟迪作用: ... have implications for .. .

(19) ...存在不足之處:There are several limitations to . . .

(20) ...對(duì)于...的可能解釋是... A likely explanation for ... is ...

(21) 考慮到...,Given ...

(22) 考慮到該點(diǎn)...When taking this point into consideration ...

(23) 該研究的重要新發(fā)現(xiàn)是... A major new finding of this study is that...





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