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Disease Introduction of Stuttering
2024-09-18 09:39:26    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    


Stuttering is a speech disorder in which the normalflow of words is broken by sounds that are repeated or held longer than normal, or by problems with starting a word.

What Does Stuttering Sound Like?

People who stutter may repeat a speech sound over and over (st-st-stut-tering), or they may hold a sound longer than normal (ssssstuttering). In some cases, they may have trouble starting a word, leading to abnormal stops in their speech (no sound). Yet many people who stutter learn to control the problem. The list of famous people in history who overcame stuttering includes scientists Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin; Clara Barton; George VI of England, Winston Churchill, and Joe Biden; and actors Marilyn Monroe, Bruce Willis, and James Earl Jones.

What Is Stuttering?

Stuttering is a speech disorder in which the normal flow of speech is broken. Along with the effort to speak, some people who stutter also make unusual face or body movements, such as rapid eye blinking or trembling of the lips. Certain situations, such as speaking on the phone, tend to make stuttering worse. By contrast, people usually do not stutter when they sing, whisper, or speak as part of a group, or when they do not hear their own voices. No one is sure why this is so.

Most children go through a stage of choppy speech when they are first learning to talk. In addition, teenagers and adults often add extra sounds (for example, "uh" and "um") to their speech, and they occasionally repeat sounds. These speech interruptions are perfectly normal. Such problems are considered a disorder only when they last past the age when most children outgrow them and get in the way of communicating clearly. Treating stuttering even in young children may help prevent a lifelong problem. Treatment may be considered for children who stutter longer than six months or for those who seem to struggle when they speak. Sometimes, however, no treatment is the best treatment, especially in the case of children whose stuttering worsens when attention is focused on the problem.

What Causes Stuttering?

Stuttering usually begins between two and six years of age. About 1 percent of children stutter, and boys are three times more likely to do so than girls. The most common form of stuttering is thought to arise when children's developing speech and language abilities are not yet able to keep up with their needs. Stuttering occurs when they search for the right word.

This kind of stuttering usually is outgrown.

Another form of stuttering is caused by signal problems between the brain and the nerves or muscles involved in speech. The brain is unable to control all the different parts of the speech system. This kind of stuttering sometimes is seen in people who have had a stroke or brain injury. Yet another, less common form of the disorder is caused by severe stress or some types of mental illness. Some kinds of stuttering seem to run in families, and it is likely that stuttering is sex-linked (je-NE-tik) in some cases, although no gene for stuttering had been found as of 2009.

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