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2024-09-22 09:46:14    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡    

(1) 綜述常用說明語:

進展:advance/progress;最新:update:調(diào)查:survey;新概念(技術、方法、成果、成就、理論): current /recent concept / technique /method /result/achievement / theory;現(xiàn)狀: present / current / recent situation

(2) 研究目的常用句式

① 本綜述的目的是: The purpose / aim / object of this review is to...

② 綜述了有關文獻:The pertinent literature is reviewed.

③ 本文綜述了..: This article reviews...

④ 本綜述重點討論...:This review will concentrate on...

⑤下面我們就...作一簡單綜述:In the following, a brief review is given of...

⑥ 在本篇綜述中,我們的目的是著重闡述...:In this review,we aim to highlight...

(3) 述評部分的常用句式

① 用從句表達

據(jù)(已經(jīng))發(fā)現(xiàn): It is (has been) found that...

據(jù)報道: It has been reported that...

有人指出(業(yè)已證明):It has been showed /proved that..

一般(普遍)認為:It is (generally) recognized / agreed / accepted that...

有人(人們)認為:It is thought / regarded / considered that. ..

可以把握地說:It may be safely said that...

已觀察到:It has been observed that. ..

必須指出:It must be pointed out that...

人們反駁(有人反駁):It can be asserted that.. .

還得指出:It should be added that...

必須承認:It must be admitted that...

不用說:It need not be said that.../ It goes without saying that... / it is understood that..

由此可見(可以看出,人們會看出):It will be seen from this that...

我認為:I am of the opinion that...

有(不)可能:It is (not) possible / probable / likely that...

必須強調(diào):It must be emphasized / stressed that...

應當講明的是:It should be made clear that...

應當是合乎情理的:It stands to reason that...

最重要的事實是:Nothing is more important than the fact that...

毫無疑問:There is no doubt that...

更重要的事實是:A more important fact is that...

顯然(很清楚):It is apparent / clear / evident that...

② 用there be句型

目前尚無結論性證據(jù)說明:But there is no conclusive evidence so far about...

目前尚無臨末證據(jù)證明:There is as yet no clinical proof of...

充足的證據(jù)說明:There is ample evidence that...

③ 定義的表達

所謂...我們指的是:By... we mean...;...被定義為:... is (has been) defined as...

④ 用倒裝句(表示強調(diào)或使上下文聯(lián)系更加緊密,有時也為了對比)。


First in any discussion of AIDS must be its definition.


The possible protective function of splenosis has been suggested in the past, but not until the report of Pearson et al. was there good evidence of the return of splenic function after splenectomy for trauma in humans.


With this selective program, of a total of 26 cases they were able to observe 17, with transfusion as needed, without any form of surgical treatment. Nine cases went to surgery and, of these, five were able to have the spleen repaired and in four splenectomy was necessary.

為保持句子的平衡,強調(diào)所觀察的病例數(shù),以便作出對比,該句使用了3個倒裝句形式,其正常語序應為:With this selective program, they were able to observe 17 of a total 26 cases, with transfusion as needed, without any form of surgical treatment. Nine cases went to surgery, and five of these were able to have the spleen repaired and splenectomy was necessary in four.





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