

搜索 導航
2018-05-28 15:45:46    譯聚網(wǎng)    中華人民共和國教育部    

  第十四條 下列情形,應當以國家通用語言文字為基本的用語用字: 







Article 14 The standard spoken and written Chinese language shall be used as the basic spoken and written language in the following circumstances:

(1) Spoken and written language for broadcasting, films and TV programs;

(2) Written language for the facilities in public places;

(3) Written language in signboards and advertisements;

(4) Names of enterprises and other institutions; and

(5) Packaging and specifications of commodities marketed in the country.

  第十五條 信息處理和信息技術(shù)產(chǎn)品中使用的國家通用語言文字應當符合國家的規(guī)范和標準?!?/p>

  第十六條 本章有關(guān)規(guī)定中,有下列情形的,可以使用方言: 






Article 15 The standard spoken and written Chinese language used in information processing and information technology products shall be in conformity with the norms of the State.

Article 16 Where the relevant provisions of this Chapter are concerned, local dialects may be used under the following circumstances:

(1) When State functionaries really need to use them in the performance of official duties;

(2) Where they are used in broadcasting with the approval of the broadcasting and television administration under the State Council or of the broadcasting and television department at the provincial level;

(3) Where they are needed in traditional operas, films and TV programs and other forms of art; and

(4) Where their use is really required in publishing, teaching and research.

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