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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2024-07-31 09:08:33   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: 要搞清楚所翻譯文本的寫作目的,是建議還是請(qǐng)求,或者是針對(duì)某一問題提出的解決方案。


1. 要搞清楚所翻譯文本的寫作目的,是建議還是請(qǐng)求,或者是針對(duì)某一問題提出的解決方案。

2. 要詳細(xì)了解文本中所涉及的內(nèi)容、專業(yè)術(shù)語、特殊意義、措施和方法等。

3. 要搞清楚作者和讀者之間的關(guān)系,這有助于保證忠實(shí)地再現(xiàn)原文。

4. 要搞清楚原文的語氣和態(tài)度:正式、半正式還是非正式,然后真實(shí)地在中文文本中再現(xiàn)。


Dear Professor Joe,

For my formal research report assignment, I propose to research the problem of computer security and produce a formal report that would be of value to office managers who have an interest in maintaining the confidentiality of electronically stored records.

Since I am completing the requirement for a major in computer science and am contemplating graduate work in Business Administration, I have a strong academic interest in knowing just how secure computerized information is and how secure it can be. I also have an occupational interest in the subject because computer security has become a much-discussed subject in the office where I hold a part-time job as a Data Processor....

Rather than spend a great deal of time trying to show the seriousness of the problem of insufficient security, I only want to assure a reader who already is of the opinion that lack of adequate security can be financially dangerous. Thus I would like to devote only the introduction of the report to showing how serious the problem is. The main body of the report would be divided into just two sections: one for the controls that are already widely practiced and one for those that are too new, too expensive, or too complicated to have become widely adopted. In the first section, I will investigate the reason why the established methods aren't as successful as they should be. In the second, I will evaluate the relative merits of the more exotic controls.

This is my present plan of organization......











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