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英語(yǔ)詞綴post- (after; behind) 與派生詞

發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2018-09-11 09:11:24   作者:etogether.net   來(lái)源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: 這里要介紹的前綴Post-與“郵政”一點(diǎn)關(guān)系也沒(méi)有,它原是一個(gè)拉丁介副詞,意思為after或behind (后,次)。

這里要介紹的前綴Post-與“郵政”一點(diǎn)關(guān)系也沒(méi)有,它原是一個(gè)拉丁介副詞,意思為after或behind (后,次)。作為原生前綴,它一般與拉丁詞根結(jié)合構(gòu)成表示時(shí)間或次序的原生詞。但現(xiàn)在它也可作為派生前綴與單詞結(jié)合,有時(shí)后接連字符號(hào)。當(dāng) post-作為介詞性前綴與名詞結(jié)合時(shí),可能改變?cè)~基單詞的詞性, 生成形容詞。


postbellum [ post- = after 后;bellum = war 戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)→]a. after the war, especially the American Civil War 戰(zhàn)后的;美國(guó)南北戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)后的 / The cowboy migrations westward were a postbellum phenomenon. 牧民向西遷移是戰(zhàn)后的現(xiàn)象。

posthumous [ post- = after 后; hum = earth or grave 土,墓;-ous a. = being=>“after one being in the grave 某人入土之后的”→] a. happening after death 死后的,身后的 / This posthumous book collected all of his poems. 這本身后出版的書(shū)收集了他的全部詩(shī)歌。

posthumously ad. 死后地

postpone [ post- = after 后; pon = to put 放;-e=>“to put after a fixed time 放在原定時(shí)間之后”→]v. put off to a later time; delay 延遲,延緩,The ball game was postponed because of rain. 球賽因雨推遲。

postponement n. 延期,延遲 

postponable a. 可以延緩的


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