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英語詞綴pro- (forward, forth, out; in favour of, in place of) 與派生詞

發(fā)布時間: 2018-09-25 08:57:59   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):

profane [ pro- = out 外;fan = temple 神殿;-e =>“outside the temple 不進(jìn)神殿的”→]a . with contempt for God; not religious 不敬神的;瀆神的 / He was fined for his profane language in the church.他因?yàn)樵诮烫弥姓f了褻瀆神靈的話而受到處罰。

profanity n. 瀆神;使用褻瀆的語言

progress [ pro- = forward 進(jìn); gress = to go 走→]v. go forward; advance; develop 前進(jìn);進(jìn)步;進(jìn)展 / He is fast progressing in his English study.他英語學(xué)習(xí)進(jìn)步很快。

progression n. 前進(jìn);進(jìn)步;連續(xù) 

progressive a. 進(jìn)步的;先進(jìn)的;逐漸的

promote [pro- = forward 向前;mot = to move 移動;-e =>“to move forward 向前移動” v. help to grow or develop 促進(jìn); 增進(jìn);發(fā)揚(yáng) / An understanding of the cultures of other countries may promote world peace.對其他國家文化的了解可以增進(jìn)世界和平。

promotion n. 促進(jìn);增進(jìn);發(fā)揚(yáng);提升 

promotive a. 促進(jìn)性的;發(fā)起的;宣傳的

propose [ pro- = forward 前; pos = to put 放;-e→] v. put forward for consideration 提議,建議 / He proposed that we take turns to watch the dyke.他建議我們輪流守堤。

proposition n. 提議,建議;計(jì)劃 

proposal n. (建議的)提出;建議;求婚

prospect [ pro- = forward 向前;spect = to look 看“to look forward to sth. 盼望某物 ”→]n. ① thing expected or looked forward to 盼望的事物;指望 / A rich harvest is in prospect.豐收在望。② wide view 視野,展望 / The prospect from the mountain was grand. 站在山上眺望遠(yuǎn)景,妙極了。

prospective a. 盼望中的;預(yù)期的;未來的


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