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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2024-05-11 09:45:50   作者:etogether.net   來(lái)源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: 中國(guó)是歐盟在歐洲之外的第二大貿(mào)易伙伴,僅次于美國(guó),歐盟是中國(guó)去年的第三大貿(mào)易伙伴,同時(shí),歐盟是中國(guó)技術(shù)和設(shè)備的最大供應(yīng)...

With European integration, in particular, the launch of the Euro, the European Union has fundamentally changed the world economic pattern and successfully brought new co-operation opportunities to EU-China economic relations. The two-way trade has increased more than forty-fold since 1978 when China began to carry out its cconomic reform policy, and reached US $125 billion last year. It's expected that the European Union will increase its trade volume with China

by 20% this year.

China is now the EU's second largest non-European trading partner, after the United States, and the EU was China's third largest trade partner last year. At the same time, the EU is the biggest supplier for China in terms of technology and equipment. It’s not surprising that although the EU and China have differences in social systems, development skills, cultural traditions and values and divergent views on some issues, all these elements will not impair the EU-China relationship.








(1) European integration   esp.    Euro    EU    economic pattern   opportunities   EU-China economic

歐洲一體化   尤其    歐元    歐盟      經(jīng)濟(jì)格局                      機(jī)會(huì)         歐中經(jīng)濟(jì)

(2) two-way trade ↑   40-fold since 1978 reform    $125 billion last year

貿(mào)易來(lái)往    增加40倍    自1978年改革      去年1250億美元

(3) EU ↑ trade China 20% this year  歐盟   增加   貿(mào)易  中國(guó)   20%  今年


(1) China second non-European partner (<US) EU China's third last year

中國(guó)  第二   非歐洲的伙伴  (次于美國(guó))  歐盟   中國(guó)第三  去年

(2) EU biggest supplier for China technology & equipment

歐盟  中國(guó)最大供應(yīng)商   技術(shù)&設(shè)備

(3) EU & China difference: social system, development skills, cultural traditions, values, issues not impair relationship

盡管  歐盟和中國(guó)不同:社會(huì)制度、發(fā)展技術(shù)、文化傳統(tǒng)、價(jià)值觀、一些問(wèn)題不影響關(guān)系



(1) increase forty-fold  增加40倍

(2) increase by ...增加

(3) after 次于

(4) in terms of 在...方面

(5) it's not surprising that... 不足為奇


(1) 經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化economic globalization; economic integration

(2) 南北對(duì)話 South-North dialogue

(3) 開(kāi)拓國(guó)際市場(chǎng) explore international markets

(4) 出口創(chuàng)匯型export-oriented industry

(5) 第三產(chǎn)業(yè)tertiary industry

(6) 對(duì)外招商attract foreign investment

(7) 宏觀調(diào)控macro-control

(8) 市場(chǎng)多元化 market diversification

(9) 國(guó)際舞臺(tái)international arena

(10) 雙邊貿(mào)易bilateral trade



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