

搜索 導航
2018-05-28 15:32:39    譯聚網(wǎng)    中華人民共和國教育部    

  (一) 取得幼兒園教師資格,應當具備幼兒師范學校畢業(yè)及其以上學歷; 



(l) to obtain qualifications for a teacher in a kindergarten, one shall be a graduate of an infant normal school or upwards;

(2) to obtain qualifications for a teacher in a primary school, one shall be a graduate of a secondary normal school or upwards;

(3) to obtain qualifications for a teacher in a junior middle school, or a teacher for general knowledge courses and specialized courses in a primary vocational school, one shall be a graduate of a specialized higher normal school, or other colleges or universities with two or three years’ schooling or upwards;



(4) to obtain qualifications for a teacher in a senior middle school, or a teacher for general knowledge courses and specialized courses in a secondary vocational school, technical school or a vocational high school, one shall be a graduate of a normal college or other colleges or universities with four years’ schooling or upwards, and the corresponding records of formal schooling for the qualifications of instructors who give guidance to students’ fieldwork at secondary vocational schools, technical schools or vocational high schools shall be prescribed by the administrative departments of education under the State Council;

(5) to obtain qualifications for a teacher in an institution of higher learning, one shall be a postgraduate or university graduate; and

  (六) 取得成人教育教師資格,應當按照成人教育的層次、類別,分別具備高等、中等學校畢業(yè)及其以上學歷。不具備本法規(guī)定的教師資格學歷的公民,申請獲取教師資格,必須通過國家教師資格考試。國家教師資格考試制度由國務院規(guī)定。 

  第十二條 本法實施前已經(jīng)在學?;蛘咂渌逃龣C構(gòu)中任教的教師,未具備本法規(guī)定學歷的,由國務院教育行政部門規(guī)定教師資格過渡辦法。 

(6) to obtain qualifications for a teacher for adult education, one shall be a graduate respectively of an institution of higher learning, a secondary school or upwards depending on the level and category of the adult education.

Citizens, who without the records of formal schooling for teachers’ qualifications as stipulated in this Law, apply for teachers’ qualifications must pass the national teachers’ qualification examinations. The national teachers’ qualifications examination system shall be prescribed by the State Council.

Article 12 The administrative departments of education under the State Council shall work out transition measures on qualifications for teachers who, before the enforcement of this Law, have been teaching at schools or other institutions of education, but do not have the record of formal schooling as stipulated in this Law.

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