

搜索 導(dǎo)航
2017-06-04 09:24:30    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    


     Where standard clauses are adopted in concluding and entering into a contract, the party supplying the standard clauses shall, under the principle of fairness, define the rights and obligations between the parties thereto, ask the other party, in a reasonable manner, to note the clause on the exclusion or restriction of its liabilities, and explain the standard clauses in accordance with the requirement of the other party.





  The property acquired as a result of a contract shall be returned after the contract is confirmed to be null and void or has been revoked.

     原文的“被撤銷”為 has been revoked,欠準(zhǔn)確,應(yīng)為rescind。按《牛津現(xiàn)代高級(jí)雙解辭典》定義,revoke意為repeal, cancel, withdraw (a decree, consent, permission, etc),即“廢止,撤銷,取消;宣告(命令,同意,允許等)無效”,例如“取消決定”可成revoke a decision,“撤銷委托”可成revoke commission,“吊銷執(zhí)照”可成revoke a licence。

    rescind意為legally repeal, annual, cancel (a law, contract, etc)即“(法律)廢止,撤銷(法規(guī),合約等)”,例如“取消合約” 可成rescind an agreement,“廢除法律”可為rescind a law.“廢除不合理的規(guī)章”可為rescind the unreasonable rules,“取消判決”可為rescind a judgment。  


The property acquired by either party as a result of a contract shall be returned to the other party after the contract is confirmed to be null and void or has been rescinded.





     After a contract becomes effective, the parties may not reject to perform the obligations of the contract because of modification of the title or name of the parties, or change of the statutory representative, the responsible person or the executive person of the parties.

     原文中的“不得…….而不履行合同義務(wù)”為 “may not reject to perform the obligations of the contract”,是誤,應(yīng)將reject改為refuse。按《牛津現(xiàn)代高級(jí)英文辭典》,reject法律上意為refuse to accept即“拒絕,不接受,駁回”。比如,“不受理申訴”可為reject a complaint,“駁回證據(jù)”可為reject (a) proof,“駁回上訴”可為reject an appeal。refuse意為show unwillingness to accept (something offered),“拒絕,拒受,拒給,不愿”等意。例如,“不準(zhǔn)保釋;拒絕保釋”可為refuse bail;“拒絕履行”可成refuse to perform,“拒絕查帳”可為refuse inspection of books,“抗稅”可為refuse to pay tax。

    原文中的“負(fù)責(zé)人”成responsible person不妥。 Responsible指“負(fù)有職責(zé)”,“有責(zé)任感”,“可靠”,與“負(fù)責(zé)人”不是一回事。例如:Isn’t he too young for such a responsible job? (讓他負(fù)責(zé)如此重要的職責(zé),他是否太年輕了?);又如:Alice is a very responsible baby-sitter. (阿莉絲看小孩很負(fù)責(zé)任。);Give the job to a responsible man. (把工作交給負(fù)責(zé)任的人);Betty is a responsible young lady.(貝蒂是個(gè)有責(zé)任感的姑娘。)

    position 作可數(shù)名詞(多作單數(shù)),表示“處境,境地”之意。例如:A man in his position might have done the same thing.(一個(gè)處于他位置的人也會(huì)做出同樣的事。); Madame Michel found herself in an embarrassing position (米歇爾夫人發(fā)現(xiàn)她處境很尷尬); “負(fù)責(zé)人”應(yīng)為“the person in a responsible position”, 即“處于負(fù)責(zé)崗位上的人”。準(zhǔn)此,此句可改為:

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