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發(fā)布時間: 2017-12-06 09:08:31   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網絡   瀏覽次數:

[譯文] 然而,從臨床上來說,脾是一個重要的器官,其功能障礙即使不是某些重要疾病的真正原因,至少也和某些重要的疾病有關。

5. Once the emzymes could be purified it became apparent that most of them were, or contained, protein.


6. Other drugs are used at times either instead of or in addition to those mentioned above.


7. There have been increases in the incidence of and mortality from certain forms of cancer.


8. For this reason, we have come to consider the central nervous system ischemic reflex to be either the, or one of the, most powerful physiological stimulators of the sympathetic nervous system in the body.

[譯文] 因此,我們開始認為中樞神經系統局部性缺血反射或為人體交感神經系統最強有力的生理刺激器,或為這種刺激器之一。

9. It seems quite clear that most manifestations of disease in patients with raised arterial pressure are the consequences of, or are made worse by, the presence of raised pressure.


10. Acute myocardial infarction is characterized by severe and prolonged precardiac pain, similar to, but more intense than, that of angina pectoris, and signs of myocardial damage, including acute electro-cardiographic changes and a rise in activity of certain serum enzymes.

[譯文] 急性心肌梗塞的特征是:持久的心前區(qū)劇痛,類似心絞痛但較之更為劇烈;有心肌損害的體征,包括心電圖急劇改變以及某些血淸酶活力增髙。

11. Cases of, and consequently deaths from, pertussis have declined dramatically with increasingly widespread use of standardized pertussis vaccines, beginning in the late 1940s.

[譯文] 由于自20世紀40年代末期開始廣泛使用了標準化的百日咳疫苗,百日咳病例以及隨之而引起的死亡人數都顯著下降。


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