

搜索 導(dǎo)航
2017-11-26 09:06:58    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

在這種場合,一個稱職的譯員必須準(zhǔn)確、流利地將這些引語譯成目標(biāo)語。這就要求譯員掌握一定數(shù)量的名家名言、經(jīng)典詩句,尤其是中國古代思想家流傳下來的一些名言佳句。對于不少譯員來說,這是一道難以逾越但又必須逾越的難關(guān)。有著五千年文明史的中國,歷經(jīng)滄海巨變,文化底蘊深厚,儒道墨法爭鳴,陰陽縱橫齊放,哲人智者如云,傳世絕句如林,信手枯來,為我所用。因此,譯員平時需要加強學(xué)習(xí),做一 個有心人,注意收集古今名人的經(jīng)典名言,以不斷充實自己的語料庫。 以下摘錄了一部分廣為流傳的經(jīng)典佳句配以英譯文,按字母排序:

安危相易,禍福相生,緩急相爭,聚散相成。Safety and danger alternate with each other. Misfortune and fortune generate each other. Slowness and promptness follow each other. Gathering and scattering complement each other.

飽而知人之饑,溫而知人之寒,逸而知人之勞。When full, remember someone else is suffering hunger; when warm, remember someone else is suffering cold; when in ease, remember someone else is suffering fatigue.

彼求之而后得,為之而后成,積之而后高,盡之而后圣。故圣人也 者,人之所積也。Man seeks before gains,toils before succeeds, accumulates before increases, and exhausts his efforts before he becomes a sage. Thus, a sage grows out of accumulation.

博學(xué)之,審問之,慎思之,明辨之,篤行之。Learn extensively, inquire thoroughly, ponder prudently, discriminate clearly, and practice diligently.

不登髙山,不知天之高也;不臨深淵,不知地之厚也。One can never be aware of the height of the sky or the depth of the earth, if he does not climb up a high mountain or look down into a deep abyss.

不聞不若聞之,聞之不若見之,見之不若知之,知之不若行之。學(xué) 至于行之而止矣。It is better to hear something than not to hear it;still better to see it than to hear it; still better to know it than to see it; still better to practice it than to know it. Learning will not stop until it is put into practice.

不義而富且貴,于我如浮云。Wealth and rank attained through immoral means are as empty as floating clouds to me.

不之則冋,不能則學(xué),雖能必讓,然后為德。It makes a moral man to ask for what he doesn't know, to learn what he can't do, and to restrain himself from what he is capable of.

誠既勇兮又以武,終剛強兮不可凌。Brave and courageous you are the most. Till your death you stick to your post.

大道之行也,天下為公。A public spirit will rule all under the heaven when the great Way prevails.

大江東去,浪淘盡,千古風(fēng)流人物。The endless river flows eastward; with its huge waves, gone are all those gallant heroes of bygone years.

大成若缺,其用大弊;大盈若沖,其用不窮。大直若屈,大巧若拙,大辯若訥。What is most perfect seems to have something missing ; yet its use is unimpaired. What is most full seems empty; yet its use will never fail. What is most straight appears crooked; what is most skilled appears clumsy; and what is most eloquent appears incoherent.

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